What could the elements of an AI prompt be for Behavioral Science?

Abigail Emery has developed a library of LLM use cases for Government behavioural & social scientists, which she presented to a cross-government audience for the first time yesterday.

Abigail’s goal, as per her post is to “expand imaginations about just what generative AI can offer us, and to kick off an introspective conversation about what we value about our roles as we reshape them for the future.”

Look at the prompts and see how they can help you.

Some advice here, is that you should already have experience in behavioral and social sciences, so that you can evaluate the answers the LMM will give you, otherwise you could end up developing interventions that cause no effect, or worse unintended consequences.

For us who work in this field, we know how long it takes to code influences and make sure that what is said is actually what is meant (sometimes this takes lively debates over long sessions)

As we know LMM are useful, but always depend on the data trained, so please don’t just copy paste these and go and build solutions.

They are thinking tools and prompts to expand your own knowledge.

Thanks Abigail Emery for sharing this and for helping spread what could be possible!

P.S glad to see Laura de Molière served as inspiration 😀



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People + AI Not AI - People 😀😀