Here are 4 behavior design principles that are simple to use!

It is based on the EAST framework created by The Behavioural Insights Team.

I use this in my projects and create checklists for teams to implement in their employee and customer experience design projects.

I use it at the end of the design - meaning you don't start with this...

Why you may ask?

Before you start, you need to first understand a few things that need to happen:

>The Job to be done
>The Behavior and context
>The Influences or Drives of Behavior (barriers)
>The Behavior Change Strategies

Once you have all this and have created your product or experience, you can then move on to using something like EAST

What does EAST stand for?

1) Easy: Making it easy for people to take action by reducing the effort, steps, and choices involved.

>Reduce the friction
>Break down complex tasks
>Use defaults

2) Attractive: Making something look more valuable by showing its benefits in an attractive way. This includes making your offer more noticeable and appealing.

>Tailor to individual preferences
>Cater to emotions
>Make it eye-catching
>Consider incentives
>Create a sense of urgency (ethically)

3) Social: Encouraging a behavior by showing that others in a social group are also doing it, and promoting a sense of shared commitment to the behavior.

>Social Norms
>Use a trusted messenger

4)Timely: Encouraging action when people are most likely to be receptive and organizing the benefits in a way that makes them more immediate.

>Key decision moments
>Help people plan
>Give feedback
>Ask people to commit

I like to think of this as a great checklist to ensure we are designing in the right direction and you can tailor it to your organization.

If you want to learn about Behavior Design, get my Behavior Design Basics Course ----> Link

You can finish it over the weekend!



How can we help employees be empowered?


Dark Patterns are not the objective of Behavioral Design!