Are you a great listener?

-You don’t talk when others speak
-You let others know your listening by nodding and other expressions
-You are able to repeat what others say

However as much as we think this is actually good listening, the fact is this is not what good listening is really about.

-Good listening is about asking questions that promote discovery and insight

-Good listening is about making a conversation a positive and supportive experience

-Good listening is not about waiting silently to point out the other person’s mistakes, but instead it’s about helping without trying to win an argument

-Good listening is about making suggestions, but in a way that helps people consider alternative ways to think about.

I like the analogy in this book chapter that says that good listeners are less like sponges and more like trampolines meaning: rather than absorbing the ideas, you bounce ideas to help you amplify, clarify and energize your thinking.

So next time you are with someone, check to see if you are listening in a way that real value to the other person.



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