Aim For Behavior

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Working alone or with a great team doesn’t matter.

Image Credit: Roberto Ferraro

What matters is having great systems, processes and meeting psychological needs to enable teams or individuals to do their best work.

I have seen and worked with organizations where people who are amazing, smart, eager to help and change things, get caught up in the system/processes and before they know it they are frustrated, unfulfilled and amotivated to do more than what is needed.

The usual reactions are:

- “that’s how things are here”
-“welcome to silo town”
-“the other teams are so difficult”
-“so much potential, shame it’s all wasted”

And so on…

If we really want to create great organizations and change existing ones, we need to think about and map the current system that exists in the organization and then start creating a theory of change and a plan to unravel the black box around it.

Although the mental model is to call it a digital transformation, we should not be doing digital transformations, but instead we should be thinking about designing an environment that supports and enables psychological needs and removes behavioral barriers.

If we are creating too many barriers for our employees, then nothing is going to change.

We therefore need to ensure that a great team can have autonomy, choices, can feel like they are making progress, that the environment, people, policies, rules, etc support them.

If this is not enabled, you will have a great team of people, that can’t do anything, and soon enough you will erode their motivation and push them out as they leave.

In the end you will be stuck with the latest technology and the same issues you had before.

These are other ways I can help you:

1 ) Get my Behavior Basics Course: Learn to add that missing Behavioral Science layer to your products and services in an easy and practical way

2) Explore my services: I work on small projects or as part of your team

3) Frameworks: Get access to my frameworks and tools

4) If you want to get Behavior Science and Innovation Tools join my newsletter below 👇

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