Aim For Behavior

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I worry we will spend even less time in the problem space with AI

Image credit: Erick Mohr 

I shared this image a few months ago, and as I see more posts about using ChatGTP to build personas build apps quickly, it makes me think, that yes, the tech will make this quicker.....

But who says you were building the right thing in the first place?

Maybe the tech can help us uncover the needs of our customers and the behaviors we need to work on to help them get the jobs they need to be done, but as the easy thing is to ask for the solution, more and more it seems we will bypass this in favor of quick solutions.

As the graphic tells me, we have very talented people (and now AI) who can develop great solutions, the issue will still then become that they aren’t building solutions for what people need, their context and the way they behave.

An example of this, as I mentioned before is people using AI to write their (gasp) proto-personas and such to deliver services. (faster bad way of working)

We should make a greater effort to spend more time exploring the problem space, so we can build solutions that create value for both the customers and the business.

If most apps fail, and the AI is trained on those products, then your output is not going to really be that good. Why, because we don't spend time in the problem space enough, even today.

I am all for tech and AI, I use it of course, but I guess my focus has mostly been in the problem space, so I look for things that can help there... but as we see from the image, most people are not there.


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