Aim For Behavior

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Here is a free question bank with over 350 questions that you can use for your products and services.

Sometimes you can struggle to have a good resource to help you get some inspiration when it comes to research questions for your products or services.

I recently was told about the Maze question bank (I have not personally used it, as I have my own repository) and the work they shared looks quite ok.

Here is an overview from the free Notion template they made

1) Question - full question including [fill in the blanks] for customisation of factors like company, product, service, etc.

2) Tags - the broadest level taxonomy in relation to the question's noun, or subject matter objects, these are the real-world objects in a user's mental model that the question refers to.

3) Scenarios - the second level of taxonomy and in relationship with Tags, these uncover the core contents of the question's subject matter.

4) Sample Responses- indicated by yes/no if sample response answers are included.

5) Follow-up Questions - indicated by yes/no if follow-up questions are included.

Some sample questions include:

Q) What workarounds have you created for addressing any challenges you have with your current solution?

Q) Imagine that in this very moment, [PRODUCT] is no longer available to you and your team. Which of the following best reflects how you feel about this?

The questions are basic, and depending on your context you would need to modify them, however as I mentioned, they could be there as a thinking tool to help you develop yours further without starting from scratch.

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