Aim For Behavior

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Have you ever interacted with a good chatbot? (are they still a thing?) 🤔

I have to say that I build my first chatbot on Facebook Messenger back in 2015/16 as the API had opened, and I can't help but wonder if designers have made much progress since then.

A few years later, we did a sprint at work to test if we could get the bot to be better.

We had a copywriter on board, we had an interaction designer, we did testing, and people seemed to like it (we didn't end up launching for cost reasons)

We tried to work the bot as best we could, by even mapping out the main characteristics, such as:

Bot Do:
Bot Feel:
Bot Think:

I did not use behavior design in this bot (not implicitly), but I wonder how we could take behavioral insight and build better experiences, and in this case, a bot.

I have not really interacted with a bot lately (except for OpenAI Chat GTP).

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