Aim For Behavior

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Are you building the Right Experience for your employees or customers?

You can take these questions and design a workshop (or if you want, maybe I can put something together and add to my free frameworks :) )

The image shows what I would classify as Workshop 1 of 3 - and to be clear, here we are focusing first on understanding the product and experience from an internal perspective.

You would be surprised at the answers you will get to some of these questions, but also getting together to align on these is quite powerful.

For example:

-Teams may be chasing different outcomes, KPI's
-Teams may be incentivized in different ways
-Teams may think the service helps with A and not B
-Teams may think there are different target audiences

As a scenario, let's say you created a service and it is not performing as you hoped, it's not bad, but you believe it could be doing so much better. (could be for your employees or your customers)

Here, you can start by taking a cross-functional team, get on Miro/Mural or in person, and prepare activities where you ask: (these may need editing depending on your org)

-Why did we build your service?
-What does our service do?
-Who did we build this service for?
-What behaviors or actions are meant to be taken?
-What is working well with the service? (I ask this, because we may be able to amplify what is working)
-What isn't working well? (the fun part where we want to know what people are not doing, and what is stopping them)

What questions or activities would you ask?
